Mod About You’s Top Travel Tricks

1. Get bottled water for free!  Maybe it’s just me, but i’m very particular about the way my water tastes. When I was a kid, we’d visit my grandma in San Diego each summer, and although I loved seeing my eccentric and amazing artist grandma (who wore big Jackie O sunglasses by the pool and was always trying to tan her arms and hands (but not her face!), I really wasn’t into the taste of the tap water down in So Cal. I have no idea why, but it always tasted off to me, and it still does! My boys feel the same way. Colby asked me the other day: “Mama, why does California water taste so …. weird?” I have no idea, haha. But when I’m in California, or anyplace away from home, I stick to bottled H20. But that can get pricey! Example: You wake up in your hotel room at 2:08 in the morning and you're soooo thirsty that you succumb to a $15 bottle of Fiji water from the mini bar. Ugh! 

OK guys, here’s your solution (and if I sound pretty scrappy, it’s because I was raised by coupon clippers and discount shoppers, ha!): your hotel’s fitness center. Usually, most hotels offer free bottled water in their gyms. I’m not saying to bring a bag and load up on five or six bottles while you’re doing tricep extensions or anything, or wait, maybe I am. Hey, free water vs. $15 water? I don’t care how much money you have in your checking account, a deal is a deal!

2. Flying together and love it when you get your own row? Guys, Brandon recently cracked the code on airplane seating. You know how awesome it is when you get a whole row to yourself (or to share with your love)? Yep, it’s pretty rad. Here’s how to INCREASE your chances of that happening: So, everyone hates middle seats, right? Right. So when you book your next trip to Cabo, New York City, Las Vegas—wherever—book the two of you in the same row, but in the aisle and the window (leaving the seat between you open). I know this sounds weird, but nine times out of ten (barring a full flight), the seat between you will remain empty, because, again, no one likes the middle seat! Brandon and I have done this so many times.

3. Ask for a late checkout when you check IN. You know when your flight doesn’t depart until 7 PM and your checkout time is at 11 AM? Yeah, LAME! What we’ve come to learn is that hotels are late-checkout-friendly, but they only can say yes to so many people. Solution: Let the front desk know of your request the moment you check in. They’ll at least be able to grant it, or tell you the hotel’s policy for late checkouts (sometimes 

4. Forgot face wash? Room service to the rescue! If you’re already ordering something to snack on, ask for a side of extra virgin olive oil (bonus: most places will just send this up for free). I’m a huge fan of oil-based cleansers, and, in a pinch, regular ol' olive oil does a great job cleansing the face and removing makeup; it’s also a great stand-in for your favorite moisturizer that you accidentally left at home. 

5. Your personal driver: Perhaps one of the most underutilized hotel services is the property’s private car—and you have access to it, just ask! A quick chat with the bell desk and you’re likely to learn that there’s a private driver available to shuttle you where you need to go (usually within 2-3 miles of the hotel) at no cost other than a tip! 

6. Free drinks! Many hotels offer a complimentary drink or two at check-in but only if you ask. Hey, even if they *don’t* offer a free drink, they might hook you up anyway. 

7. Carry on more luggage: Two words, friends: gate check. I know, I know. It seems traumatic to part with your beloved bag when you’re boarding the plane, but we promise, it’s not so bad. Look on the bright side: Gate checking is actually the premier way to check your bags. You don’t have to retrieve anything at baggage claim (it just comes off the plane when you do!) and you don’t have to worry about overhead compartment space. Win-win! 

What are you best travel hacks? We want to hear!

TravelSarah Jio